Suicide Loss Survivors

AnneMoss Rogers and son, Charles Rogers, 9/26/1995-6/5/2015

How I Survived My Son’s Suicide

August 9, 2023
My husband and I were sitting in a police car when we got the news my son Charles, 20, died by suicide in 2015. That’s the moment I left my former self on a shelf somewhere in the past and this new

Wait, Who Is A Suicide Survivor?

Across the Internet and elsewhere, people apply the term suicide survivor to two different groups of people: 1) people who struggled with suicidal thoughts or attempted suicide, and survived, and 2) people who were never suicidal at all, but who lost a

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Book cover for Helping the Suicidal Person: Tips and Techniques for Professionals, by Stacey Freedenthal. Published by Routledge.

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